Easter – 6

No Condemnation

Dear Father, we ask You to send Your Holy Spirit to remind us that You love us and accept us unconditionally and eternally through Your Son, Christ Jesus; yet, the accusations of those within our Christian community, of those amongst our friends and within our families who hurt us and make us feel “condemned.” Help us today to hear loudly and clearly Jesus’ “no condemnation” verdict. We ask in His precious name, the same who lives with You and the Holy Spirit, now and forever.

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Suffering and Hope

Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia! While we celebrated Easter Sunday over a month ago, the Christian Church traditionally regards every Sunday as “mini-Easters.” That is because preaching the resurrection of Jesus Christ as we do on Easter is central to our faith. In the resurrection, we celebrate Christ’s victory over sin and death. Because of His resurrection, we confidently hold firm to our Baptism, knowing that we receive forgiveness of sins, life, and salvation paid for by the blood of Christ. Thanks be to God!

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