After Pentecost – 01

A Trinitarian Faith

Father, we are somewhat dismissive of Trinity Sunday because we fail to understand how impactful the doctrine of the Trinity is for our world and our individual lives. Please forgive us and give us a new desire to share with our world the same joy and love You have been experiencing with Your Son and the Holy Spirit from eternity. We ask in the name of Christ Jesus, the Same who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, now and forever.

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Very, Very Good

We often want to understand something before we can accept it as true. “I just don’t get it!” we might cry out. But God is bigger than anything we can ever understand. The Trinity is bigger than we can grasp. Three persons, each of them God, yet we have not three “Gods,” but one God? How does that work?! We can take comfort that God is bigger than anything we can wrap our minds around. This is the God who is so complex that we cannot understand, but He bent all His incomprehensible being to rescue us from sin, death, and the devil. Our God is bigger than our brains, and we can take comfort that such a God still loves us.

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